Carrer de Sardenya, 380, Barcelona
Detailed opinion
A 05 02Carrer de Sardenya 380
Lived from 2014 until 2015
Has lived 1 year in that direction
Bona experiènciaBona experiènciaEn general, tot béAl baix hi ha una llar d'infants i se sent tot el soroll.
Summer temperatureCorrect
Winter temperatureCorrect
State and maintenanceAcceptable
I don't remember the name / it doesn't exist anymore.
How did the real estate agent treat you?Good
How did the landlord treat you?Great
What was the response when you reported a problem?Great
Was the deposit returned?Only a part

What advice would you give to the real estate agent?
Type of residentsFamiliar
Relationship with neighborsNo relations
State and maintenanceAcceptable
Area (300m)